Hanseatische Nepalhilfe e. V.


The village Okhle is located about six trekking hours east of Gorkha with about one hundred families living there. In the middle of Okhle you can find a first aid station which is run by a doctor of the village.

The doctor takes care of the animals and the inhabitants at the same time. As soon as a human being, a goat or a cow is ill, he is there to help. He is paid by food most of the time.

The next doctor is only available in Kathmandu. To get there you have to spend almost four hours on a small deck of a cross country capable truck to Gorkha. From Gorkha you can be brought by ambulance to Kathmandu which lasts again around four hours.

If you consider that most of the people living in the village  have no concept of money and have never seen Kathmandu in their life, this first aid station is the only help they can get for medical support.


What the doctor needs:

  1. A stretcher for off road areas.

  2. A dental set (for teeth).

  3. Injections and cannulas

  4. A new stethoscope.

First Aid Station in Okhle